Do you ever get frustrated that decision making continually escalates to your door?
Do you ever wonder how to get your employees to feel the same way as you do about the business?
Ever wonder how to get the right decisions made closer to your customer?

Managing People for Growth is a 9 day programme typically spanning 12 months. The one day workshops, reflect the day to day challenges that people managers and leaders face while growing the enterprise.
The content below is entirely driven by participant generated objectives for the programme. The result of this dynamic learning environment is that specifically targeted learning is pulled from the workshops rather than being pushed by the facilitator.
Since 2010 we have taken over 600 managers, team leaders, supervisors and Directors through our MPG process.
Although we offer open courses, 90% of our demand in recent years has been for tailored in-house delivery with up to 15 participants from across departments and functions.
Core Modules
- The Role of the Manger
- Business Planning and Goal setting
- Managing Individual Performance
- Teams, Team building and establishing a High Performing Teams
Specialist Modules:
- High Impact Communication
- Influencing and Assertiveness
- Coaching and Delegation
- Dealing with conflict and difficult people
It looks like this
1) Completion on-line of our Global Predisposition Indicator (GPI) and 360 based Blue4 Engagement Style Indicator (ESI). This includes 2 hours of one to one feedback/coaching which sets the entry benchmark position.
The Blue4 Assessment is completed again 100 days after completion of the programme, illustrating measure able change and impact.
Gone are the days where you collect a series of psychometric profiles and wonder where and how they fit into the performance of your Organisation. Our integrated Framework approach provides you with a road map to measurable performance improvement.
2) Three way discussion between facilitator, participants and their line manager.
3) Participation in the 1-Day Modules.